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making sure you will act
at the right time

Besafe facilitates and creates dynamic training courses where each participant is an actor in his or her own training. We rely on the foundations of active teaching: the experience of the participants, their experience, their reflections, the role-playing and the involvement of the learners.

At Besafe, at the end of a training course, the important thing is not that the participants know but that they act to become prevention actors in the field !

Our certified training

First aid at work

Acquire the necessary knowledge in first aid to protect or rescue any person within the company and until the arrival of help. Prepare for the qualification of First Aid at work.

Fire prevention and fighting

Learn to avoid combining the components necessary to start a fire, and in the event that one does occur, learn to act properly to protect yourself, your family and coworkers.

electrical accreditation

Electrical Accreditation Training is a focus on training and education of the following areas: electrical safety, electrical installation, wiring practices and code referencing.

forklift truck

Forklift Certified Training is a course designed to teach the principles of safe practices and safe work practices when using a forklift. The course includes a foundation of safety, Hazards and Emergency Response, Tools and Operations, Documentation and Reporting.

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    Safety first, innovation too !


    Lot nº24 A1, Ilot 24 B local nº4 étage 2 Zone Franche d’éxportation, 90090 Tanger

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    +212 (5) 39 39 56 93


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