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5 Tips to Improve Occupational Safety in Your Workplace

Everyone wants to be safe at work, but some companies do not put the proper safety measures in place to protect employees from workplace injuries and illnesses.

You might feel like you don’t have any control over your workplace’s safety, but that isn’t true! Occupational safety begins with you, the employee, and these five tips can help you improve occupational safety in your workplace.

1) Review Your Policies and Procedures

One of the best ways to improve occupational safety is by reviewing your policies and procedures. A great place to start is by making a list of what you do and don’t have currently.

This will help you get a sense of your company’s strengths and areas that need improvement. It can also provide an opportunity for discussion with your team members about what they would like to see addressed, as well as giving them a chance to voice their concerns or ask questions.

Making sure you’re up-to-date on current OSHA guidelines is another important part of this process. You should consult with your supervisor before updating any policies and procedures so it’s clear which department (HR, Legal) will be responsible for maintaining those changes moving forward.

2) Conduct Regular Safety Training

Conducting regular safety training for your employees can help you stay on top of safety issues, as well as help your employees understand how they can stay safe.

Plus, it’s another opportunity for you to reiterate your commitment to the cause and show them that you care about their health and well-being. It also helps make sure everyone is aware of company policies or potential hazards.

It is important to note that this doesn’t just apply for new hires; all employees should be given the opportunity for annual refreshers so that everyone knows what could happen if certain guidelines are not followed.

3) Implement Safe Work Practices

  1. Train your employees on the importance of safety and provide them with the resources they need.
  2. Implement a safety manual that outlines policies and procedures for various work-related situations.
  3. Review all of your workplace’s policies and procedures to ensure that they are up-to-date and relevant for today’s workplace, then share these changes with your employees.
  4. Conduct an annual review of company records such as OSHA logs, incident reports and injury reports.
  5. Conduct inspections or audits of physical infrastructure to make sure it is safe before any major construction projects or renovations begin.

4) Inspect Your Workplace Regularly

Walk around your workplace and look for anything that could be a safety hazard. This may include objects on the floor, items at high risk of falling over, or anything that’s not in its proper place. Inspecting your workplace regularly will help you catch any potential hazards before they become an issue. It’s also a good idea to talk with co-workers about what areas are causing them problems.

One person can’t see everything so it helps if there is more than one set of eyes looking for issues. Talk with other employees about their own concerns as well and make sure to address these issues quickly when found!

5) Invest in Personal Protective Equipment

One of the most important investments you can make is to purchase personal protective equipment. The right kind of gear will protect your employees from many common workplace hazards. Here are a few items that you should include:

  • Eye protection (goggles or safety glasses) when working around dust, debris, corrosive chemicals, or harmful gases
  • Hearing protection when working with loud machines or operating power tools
  • Respiratory protection for hazardous substances and dusts
  • Hand protection for sharp objects and chemicals – Foot protection for stepping on nails, broken glass, etc.
  • Grooming accessories like soap and washcloths when working in dirty environments like sewers or pet kennels
  • Tool belts to keep everything at hand and off the ground

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